Work-Related Skills
Work Related Skills (WRS) focuses on the skills and knowledge you need to understand, and prepare for, the complex world of work.
In Unit 3, You will explore things such as workplace wellbeing and culture, the relationship between employees and employers, and the key elements to creating a healthy workplace.
In Unit 4, the focus will be on creating a portfolio of your skills, achievements and experiences to help showcase your employability.
You will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills gained from this subject to things like your day-to-day interactions, your Vocational Education and Training (VET) environment, your community and work experiences.
Who is it for?
This subject is for students who want to develop skills for work and life in a practical way – and use these skills to complete their VCE with an employability edge.
What do you do?
Activities in this subject include:
- Interactive online lessons
- Weekly tasks
- Student forums and collaborations
- Quizzes
- Posters, Brochures and Digital Presentations
- Research tasks and case studies
- Career action plan, resume and cover letters
- ePortfolio development
What skills do you need?
You do not need any existing skills or background knowledge for this subject but you would benefit from:
- Reading and writing skills
- Research skills
- Computer literacy
- Willingness to learn and collaborate
- Ability to self-reflect
- Drive to achieve your career goals
What skills do you develop?
This subject develops many skills that you otherwise would not specifically be taught. There is a significant focus on employability skills and transferable skills. This includes things like:
- Communication
- Teamwork and collaboration
- Time management
- Creativity
- Self-awareness
- Work readiness
Internet is needed to access this course. All work will be completed and submitted online.
Things to think about
It is worth noting that Work Related Skills does not receive a study score in Units 3+4 so it will not count towards getting an ATAR but it does count towards the 16 required units needed to attain your VCE.
To get the most out of Work Related Skills, you will want to be able to apply your knowledge to real world situations. That could mean a part time job, volunteering or being enrolled in a VET course. This subject is all about understanding the workplace and the best way to do that is through experience.
Things you can do now
Preparing for Work Related Skills involves a combination of academic, practical and personal preparations. Here are some actionable steps you can take to get ready for the course:
- Investigate the specific vocational area that you are interested in
- Speak with people you know in the field and start building your job network
- Develop a résumé and cover letter or update your existing ones.
- Build literacy and numeracy skills in the industry of your choice with an aptitude quiz.
- Look into volunteering or potential work experience
- Organise your study environment
By taking these steps, you will be well prepared to succeed in Work Related Skills and make the most of the opportunities it offers.