Year 1
Year One begins with a two-week Introductory Module, which includes goal setting, assessments and your child getting to know their teachers and peers. This is followed by a series of four-week English, Mathematics and Integrated Curriculum modules.
The teaching and learning in Foundation is based on the Department of Education’s F-10 Victorian Curriculum. The Victorian Curriculum sets out the knowledge and skills needed for life-long learning, social development, and active and informed citizenship.
Subject content is delivered via online learning modules and through online classes with your child’s teachers.
You must have reliable internet access so your child can complete all subjects.

Your child will experience a wide range of language and texts. They will engage with listening, reading, viewing, speaking and writing activities for different purposes and contexts. They will listen to, read, view and interpret spoken, picture and written texts. Your child will create a range of imaginative, informative and persuasive texts including retells, reports, performances and poetry.
Integrated Curriculum
Integrated Curriculum is utilised to give meaning and purpose to activities. Aspects of Health and Physical Education, History, The Arts, Science, Technologies and Geography are incorporated into the four-week modules.
Your child will access mathematical ideas connected to everyday life. They will develop a sense of number, order, sequence and pattern. Your child will understand quantities and their representations by experimenting with a range of materials. They will learn about attributes of objects and collections and explore position, movement and direction. Your child will collect and present data and make predictions about chance events. They will pose mathematical questions, identify strategies to investigate solutions and use reasoning to solve problems.
You must have reliable internet access to enrol your child in Year One. As your child’s supervisor, you will explain the learning tasks.
At times, your child may need access to common household items to complete hands on learning tasks.
Your child (and you as the supervisor) need to be able to communicate with the teacher regularly via telephone, email or video conferencing.