Careers and Pathways
VSV is focused on the provision for quality career education to ensure students make more informed career and pathway decisions to prepare them for life beyond school.
Careers programs at VSV start in Year 7 and result in students being able to make confidently informed subject, course and career choices in later years of school and beyond.
Students are guided in their transition through the school by their Learning Advisor. As students’ progress through their schooling, we encourage them to think about their future and what steps they need to take to achieve their goals. These career goals will inform the decisions students make regarding subject selection.
The Careers Practitioners at VSV conduct a series of seminars, presentations and online activities to provide students with information for making career choices and we ensure students and parents are notified of these activities.
Careers Education at VSV also include the suite of initiatives including:
My Career Exploration encourages Year 7 and Year 8 students to explore more about themselves and what excites them about the future and the world of work.
My Career Insights helps Year 9 students to understand their strengths and interests so they can make effective subject choices in senior secondary school and beyond.
My Career Portfolio supports students with resources to capture their career goals and plans, share their skills, experiences and accomplishments, and keep all the information they will need to plan their education and career pathways.
More information about careers is available here.
Louise Hudson Years 7-10
Blake Stanfield Years 11-12
Email: [email protected]