A message from Principal Fiona Webster – look how far we’ve come!

Fiona Webster

Once again, we are approaching the end of another school year. December brings with it a chance to reflect on what has been achieved in the past year.

Along with many other schools, we celebrate our Year 6 students at a graduation ceremony, and Year 12 students through a Valedictory Dinner. We applaud our students in a wonderful variety of productions and showcases. We hold our annual Awards event where student achievement across the whole school is acknowledged.  These are all sparkling and joyful experiences.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all our students on their progress this year.  Learning takes place within the individual and achievement looks different for each and every one of us depending on our starting points and where we want to head. At this time of year the spotlight is shining brightly on our VSV value of ‘growth’.  We’re immensely proud of all our students.

And this is the perfect time to quote from a wonderful book, The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse by Charlie Mackesy.

The boy says to the horse, “we have such a long way to go.” The horse replies, “Yes, but look how far we’ve come.”

This is also a good time of year to acknowledge the amazing support provided by the parents, carers and supervisors who have been by the sides of our students and guided them.  Thank you for the important role that you play.

Wishing you all a relaxing break and a wonderful new year!

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