SRC podcast update


Keep your eyes and ears peeled for the new VSV Voices episode!

A group of students in SRC have been working hard on making a new episode for all students to listen to. We have sent a survey to students in clubs to find out what topics students at VSV really want to listen to and have planned future episodes based on this feedback.

We also asked for suggestions on how to make this accessible for students such as adding a transcript, having subtitles as well as having soft background music. If students have any additional feedback or ideas for future podcasts, they can click on this link.

Based on the feedback from students, some of the topics we are planning to cover in the coming episodes include:

  • ways to connect with other students
  • what is at the VSV campus
  • subjects offered at VSV.

The first episode will be a short reintroduction to the VSV Voices podcast where we will be introducing our members. In the following two episodes, we will be talking about how to meet and connect with other students at VSV such as Connect Week and clubs.

We are endeavoring to release the next episode of VSV Voices towards the end of November if all goes to plan and we’ll let you know via email when you access it. If you’d like to listen to the previous VSV Voices episodes, you can access them now in the Student Voice page on the LMS.

If you have any stories to share with us for the podcast or suggestions for the SRC to take onboard, please send us an email at [email protected] or click this link to share your ideas – we would love to hear from you!

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