Principal’s message – enrolment and subjects update

fiona desk

Welcome to Term 4! I hope you all had a wonderful break with the opportunity to focus on the three Rs – rest, relax and recharge.  Term 4 is the time when so much of the work students and staff have put in over the rest of the year comes together.  It will be busy, there’s always plenty to do but it culminates in celebrations of the achievements of 2022.  There’s much to look forward to. 

Term 4 is also the time when we look towards 2023.  Enrolments open on the 10th of October and I encourage returning families to get applications in early so that everything can be in place for you at the start of 2023.  VSV, like every other school at the moment is impacted by teacher shortages and the sooner we know how many students we have next year and how many teachers we need, the better our position to create a smooth start to the new school year for everyone.

For those students moving into Years 11 and 12, I’m very excited that we will be offering 10 new subjects at VSV next year as we work towards offering every subject in the VCE suite except languages.  I hope that this provides everyone with the opportunity to study subjects you are passionate about.  Including a subject that you love makes living in the moment more worthwhile and rewarding. So often we’re tempted to mortgage the present for the sake of future. 

All the very best for the term.  I hope that I have the chance to catch up with you in person this term at one of the many events that will be taking place. 

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