Changing the Game

connect capture

The F-9 Sub-School recently hosted the Term 1 Connect Day for secondary students and parents/carers via Webex.

A highlight for students was taking part in a virtual excursion with ACMI called Changing the Game. Students explored the evolution of videogames and the impact they have on both culture and the way we socialise.

Students lead and participated in lively and timely discussions about:
• the impact of games culturally and socially
• issues around representation and accessibility in videogames
• how videogames go beyond entertainment
• games as tools for change.

It was interesting to hear VSV students’ observations on these topics – their insight and awareness was impressive. It was fabulous for teachers and parents/carers to hear the conversations that took place. So many ideas for future discussion and thought.

Well done to all students who participated so enthusiastically in the session!

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