VSV Students Showcased in Top Class Dance 2020


Former VSV students, Patrick O, Cora H and Kayla M (pictured with their Teacher Bee Saltmarsh-Kram), were chosen to perform their A+ solos for the Top Class VCAA Season of Excellence Performance held Monday, February 24th. This was held at the Southbank Recital Centre.

Patrick and Cora performed their composition (Unit 4) solos in the morning performance, and Kayla performed her composition solo in the afternoon show. The criteria for these solos required students to create a cohesive composition showing use of space, choreographic devices and artistry.

Patrick created a solo called Emu-Hunted, showing an Emu trying to escape a predator but succumbing to death. Cora’s solo was called Clay and developed around the idea of clay being moulded, spun and finally fired in a kiln. Kayla’s solo explored the themes of moving in and out of a comfort zone.

All students approached solo making with incredible creativity, and showed inventiveness in combining steps to create meaning and performance qualities that allowed them to shine.

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