Samuel S, a student who studied Music Style and Composition at Virtual School Victoria, has received the Margaret Schofield Memorial Scholarship for Composition. This was awarded for his piece, Desert Sunrise. His composition was performed live for the first time at Top Class Sound at Melba Hall, University of Melbourne on Friday 28 February 2020.
According to Sam, “It was amazing that the performance even happened,” citing difficulties in securing the 16 players and conductor to form a scaled-down orchestra. A particular challenge was securing a harpist, which proved difficult. “The harpist was the 9th one I tried,” he said.
Sam’s composition features a Middle-Eastern sounding melody, and an orchestral approach that could easily be applied to a film. The examiners noted about Sam’s piece that, “the candidate demonstrated a sophistication of harmonic and melodic language, and successfully evoked a particular landscape.”
Sam will be studying a Bachelor of Music at the University of Melbourne, where he wants to develop his compositional skills in a variety of different contexts. Sam also wishes to develop his conducting abilities, which will inevitably take him further afield.
The Margaret Schofield Memorial Scholarships are open to students who have completed their VCE at a government secondary school. They provide assistance to recipients to pursue further studies in music performance and composition. The scholarship program was established in 2006 by the family of the late Margaret Schofield.
According to his teacher, Dr. Tim Nikolsky, “I’m very proud of what Sam has achieved. The persistence and determination he has applied to his studies is to be commended. He has gone above and beyond the requirements to make his own opportunities. I look forward to what Sam will achieve in the years ahead.”