Year 7 Science
In Science you will study the world around you by observing, describing and experimenting. You will have the opportunity to ask many questions and then find ways to have them answered.
There are many branches of Science that look at different parts of our world and beyond. For example, Biology looks at living things, Geology looks at the Earth, Physics looks at matter and energy, and Astronomy looks at the Universe. You will be exploring many different aspects of Science throughout the year.
In Semester 1 you will:
- explore mixtures, suspensions, colloids and solutions
- look at the forces that move and maintain our world including gravity
- explore the way we use resources to leave a healthy, productive planet for our future generations.
In Semester 2 you will:
- further explore the world around you looking at biodiversity and the water cycle
- complete a self-designed practical investigation
- discover phenomena such as seasons, tides, and the solar system.
-understand how we classify living things.
What do you do?
You will have opportunities to build on your skills in the areas of:
- inquiry (by asking questions)
- investigation (by finding stuff out)
- experimentation (by completing practical activities)
- applying your knowledge (by completing activities throughout each week).
Each module of the learning program includes practical activities that require mainly materials from around the home. For hard to find materials, we will send you a practical experiment kit.
You will be using an online Science program called Stile to complete most of your work in Year 7 Science. There will also be regular online lessons for you to attend.
What skills do you develop?
As you complete the course, you will:
- think scientifically
- make informed decisions about lifestyles and the environment
- use your curiosity and questions to explore the world around you
- work like a scientist
- find out how real scientists work.
- You must have access to the internet in order to do this course.
- Each week you will complete activities online and submit these to your teacher. You will be using the Stile app to complete most of your work in this course.
- Weekly online lessons will be available for you to attend and work with your classmates.
- Sometimes you will need to find things around the house to use in your experiments.
- And most of all, to be curious about things around you.
Things you can do now
Go to the VCAA website for more information about this subject.