Year 12 Physics Units 3 and 4 – Bellum Bellum Blended Learning Hub
In Unit 3 you explore the interactions, effects and applications of gravitational, electric and magnetic fields. You use Newton’s laws to investigate motion. The course will also introduce you to Einstein’s theories to explain the motion of very fast objects.
In Unit 4, you will explore the use of wave and particle theories to model the properties of light and matter. You will also do an extended practical investigation to explore relationships of variables.
Who is it for?
The Physics Units 3 and 4 course is intended for students interested in pursuing courses such as engineering, science, information technology and architecture at university. It is also an important prerequisite for a number of vocational courses that are offered at TAFE and for students interested in becoming a pilot.
What do you do?
Weekly work consists of completing past examination questions and practical activities. School-assessed Coursework tasks consist of data analysis, tests and practical investigations.
What skills do you need?
There is no prerequisite for this course but we strongly recommend that students attempting Physics Units 3 and 4 have successfully completed Physics Units 1 and 2 before enroling in Units 3 and 4.
Students without this background should contact the Year 12 Physics teacher before enrolling.
What skills do you develop?
You will develop skills including:
- analytical and problem-solving skills
- data analysis skills
- experimental techniques.
Practical work is a central component of learning and assessment and may include activities such as laboratory experiments, simulations, modelling etc. Students can complete laboratory expirements in their home school or using provided secondary data. You will also need an exercise book to use as your logbook for practical work. You will spend at least 15 hours of the Unit 3 course and 17 hours of the Unit 4 course completing practical work and scientific investigations.
Scientific calculator (CAS calculators are not allowed)
Software used:
- Tracker^
- Logger Pro*
- Phyphox#
^requires win10/11 or macOS X, 11/12
*Free trial(30 days) – the full licenced version will be available following enrolment and VSV Online orientation.
#Optional for students with android or iOS smartphone or tablet
Things to think about
Go to the VCAA website for more information on the VCE Physics Units 3 and 4 Study Design.
Things you can do now
You can revise the motion and electricity topics of the Physics Unit 1 and 2 course.
You can also revise the following mathematical skills:
- solving algebraic equations
- rearranging formulas
- indices laws and scientific notation
- conversion of units.
Go to the VCAA website for more information about this subject.