Year 12 Philosophy Units 3 and 4
Philosophy is the investigation of some of the deepest questions that confront human beings. For example, in Units 3 and 4 we consider questions such as:
- Is a happy life a good life?
- How can I live a free and authentic life?
- What obligations do I have to other people?
- How should we understand trust and authority when forming beliefs?
- What is the relationship between believing well and living well?
Who is it for?
Philosophy is for people who want to improve themselves, and not rely on AI and technology to think poorly for them.
Philosophy is ideal for those who ask ‘why?’ a lot – those who wonder about life, about right and wrong, about freedom, truth, beauty and a thousand other things.
It is for those who want to confront difficult questions and develop the skills required to make rational judgments about them.
What do you do?
You will have to enjoy reading influential thinkers, outlining the logical structure of arguments, and discuss your critical reasoning with other people in blogs, online classes and in-person seminars.
The real fun in Philosophy is improving your own position on big questions and looking critically at the positions and reasons offered by others. Philosophers aim to improve their own thinking as well as the lives of those around them.
What skills do you need?
Studying Unit 1 or 2 Philosophy helps, but is not required.
Philosophy students should enjoy reading and rereading texts. You should enjoy developing and improving your own view with others. You must understand that in Philosophy it is never sufficient just to give an opinion: you need to give reasons for why anyone else should agree with you.
You should have the courage to tackle difficult ideas, and to be okay with not knowing everything. The courage to ask for help, and to explore beyond your comfort zone.
Lastly, you must have the personal integrity to be willing to give up a treasured belief if you are given convincing evidence that it is false.
What skills do you develop?
In interrogating your own beliefs, you work towards becoming your own person – someone who can reason through a difficult problem, and who can justify what they are doing and for what purpose.
Philosophy, as one of the oldest academic disciplines, fosters the development of some very specific skills: particularly, the recognition, analysis, evaluation and creative production of arguments. These skills can be found in other areas of thought: this is because deep behind every other intellectual pursuit lies philosophical questions, assumptions or reasoning.
Also, you cannot do it alone – in Philosophy, you must work with your classmates and teachers to figure out influential arguments, question, respond to objections, and consider the implications. We use online activities and classes to share our thinking and learn from each other.
Some courage to put some of your own thoughts out there and be willing to improve on them. This is also something that Philosophy can help you develop further.
Things to think about
If you do not like the idea of challenging some of the most influential, dense and difficult arguments made throughout history, you should find another subject. Likewise, if you don’t like reading, writing, or negotiating ambiguity, then this isn’t the subject for you. Students should be prepared for Philosophy to forever change the way that they see life. You will not come out of this subject the same. You have been warned!
Things you can do now
There is a basic logic component to this course. Students can hone their logic skills in preparation for the intellectual rigors to come by working through the Critical Thinking Web’s Identifying Arguments module.
Go to the VCAA website for more information about this subject.
Things to have a look at
‘Why Study VCE Philosophy?’
Is VCE Philosophy right for you? Watch this video and answer these questions to help you figure it out.
What Is a Good Life?: Crash Course Philosophy #46
Philosophy Lego Range
A short parody video explaining the point of a Lego philosopher (minifigure not included upon enrolment in the course)