Year 12 Orientation
The Year 12 Orientation profile leads you through essential tasks to introduce you to your teachers and the materials you need to successfully complete your enrolled units. The profile includes activities such as setting SMART goals for the year ahead to ensure you get the best out of your VCE at VSV.
Who is it for?
All students enrolled in a VCE unit.
What do you do?
You will complete a range of short activities that will help your teachers get to know you, as well as ensure a smooth transition into your VSV studies.
Activities include:
- a study timetable activity
- setting learning and career goals
- interests and hobbies
- developing a career action plan
- how to contact your teacher.
What skills do you develop?
You will develop skills including:
- understanding how to use VSV online
- learning how to create a study timetable
- learning how to develop SMART goals
- developing and building on communication skills to contact your teachers.
Access to the VSV Online learning environment is required.
Things you can do now
Go to the VCAA website for more information about VCE subjects.