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Year 12 Agricultural and Horticultural Studies Units 3 and 4
Agriculture and Horticulture is one of the fastest growing, and technologically innovative industries in Australia.
If you enjoy the outdoors, growing plants or working with animals; or if you are interested in ending world hunger, adapting to climate change, supporting animal welfare or researching sustainable business management, this course is for you!
Units 3 and 4 Agricultural and Horticultural Studies delve into the incredible innovation and technologies that are emerging from the food and fibre industries, including robotics, sensors, automation and genetics.
You will hear from industry researchers and scientists establishing new ways to overcome issues such as land degradation, food wastage, pest and disease threats, and weed control.
You will research and investigate large and small scale producers, their products, supply chains, markets and business sustainability methods.
Annual productivity in Agriculture needs to increase 70% by 2050 to feed the worlds growing population, Australian Agriculture is set to meet this challenge using science, technology and a growing workforce. Currently there are 4 jobs available for every Agriculture graduate.
The future looks bright!
Who is it for?
This subject is for people who:
- Enjoy the outdoors
- Are interested in the production of plants and animals
- Enjoy working with animals or growing plants
- Enjoy practical, hands on learning and tasks
- Want to end world hunger
- want to take action on climate change
- Are interested in animal welfare
- Are interested in business management
- Want to encourage sustainability (economic, environmental and social)
What do you do?
Throughout Units 3 and 4 you will conduct a wide range of activities, including:
- Overnight camp investigating innovation and Smart Farms
- Virtual excursions
- Experiments into soils, water quality and land degradation
- Conduct field work and sample collection
- Conduct local research
- Conduct a small scale food or fibre production business
What skills do you need?
- Organisational skills will help when planning and gathering equipment for practical tasks
- Self-motivation and enthusiasm will support the ongoing care of plants and animals
- Monitoring and recording data collected in field or from practical tasks
- Study and research skills
- Communication skills
- Sharing opinions, thoughts and ideas on topics covered
What skills do you develop?
- Workplace health and safety
- Management of plant and animal production
- Conducting field work
- Completing field experiments
- Gathering data from practical tasks
- Monitoring of plant and animal growth
- Research skills
- Case study analysis
- Communication skills
- You must have access to the internet to access this course. All work will be completed and submitted online weekly.
- A digital device to photograph and film your work and practical activities.
- You will be required to run a small business which involves growing plants or raising animals to sell. This business will be dependent on your home circumstances, available space and materials. You will plan the business with your teacher and then will be required to purchase the necessary materials and run the business independently.
Things to think about
Agricultural and Horticultural Studies is a hands-on subject.
You will be required to attend a camp in which you may, handle plants or animals, conduct experiments and engage with industry experts.
You will need to plan ahead to gather resources and make the time to perform hands-on and practical tasks
We will be investigating the production of animals, which includes investigating the process of reproduction through to harvest or slaughter. These topics and themes will be discussed and covered in detail throughout the course.
You are expected to spend approximately 5 hours a week completing the course work in Agriculture and horticulture Studies.
Things you can do now
You can begin to gain an understanding of the Agricultural and horticultural industries by:
- Watching Landline every Sunday at 12.30 on ABCTV.
- Listening to The Victorian Country Hour on ABC Radio daily at 12 noon, or download the ABC listen app and search The Victorian Country Hour.
- Go to the VCAA website for more information about this subject
Things to have a look at
Landline – Landline is a national current affairs program that covers regional/ rural issues and events.
It shows weekly on ABCTV, Sundays at 12.30.
Or you can visit the website to view recent programs.
National Farmers Federation – Visit the National Farmers Federation to view the latest media and goals of the Australian agricultural industry.
Career Harvest – Career Harvest is a one-stop shop for prospective students to discover rewarding careers in Australian food and fibre industries.