Year 11 Sociology Units 1 and 2
Sociology is the study of human behaviour and social interaction to understand how societies are organised, develop and change. Sociology encourages you to question and become aware of the everyday things that we tend to take for granted as well as broader social issues.
In Unit 1, you will investigate the social category of youth and the social institution of the family.
In Unit 2, you will explore the topics of deviance and crime. Questions explored in Units 1 and 2 Sociology include:
- How does society change and how does it remain the same?
- To what extent is my experience of youth similar or different to previous generations?
- What are the contemporary trends in Australian family structure?
- To what extent are Australian family structures similar or different to families in other cultures?
- Why do people commit crimes?
- What is ‘normal’ and who decides what is ‘normal’?
Who is it for?
VCE Sociology provides valuable knowledge and skills for participation in everyday life. It develops a capacity for detailed observation of social patterns and group behaviour, and encourages you to become aware of and to think about daily life and activities, as well as wider social issues.
As a result, Sociology is useful for those interested in understanding society and its relationship with individuals. Students interested in culture, how society works, diversity and social issues will find weekly activities engaging and insightful.
Sociology is also useful preparation for those wishing to pursue further studies or employment in fields that include criminology, education, social work, town planning, anthropology, welfare, social researcher, marketing, sociology and policy development.
What do you do?
Unit 1 and 2 Sociology develop skills and knowledge in understanding and applying key sociological concepts, theories and methods of research. You will be able to put sociological methods into action by conducting your own interviews and research.
In the online Sociology space, you will be able to share and collaborate with other sociological thinkers through online classes, blogs and forums.
Major School-assessed Coursework tasks may include: a research report, a representation analysis, a cross-cultural comparative report, an essay, a multimedia presentation, a media report, an extended response or a film analysis.
What skills do you need?
To be successful in this subject you will need a willingness to explore the world, an interest in investigating complex societal questions, and the desire to build your research skills.
What skills do you develop?
Sociology has a strong focus on understanding and finding solutions to complex questions through research and thinking. Critical thinking skills, research skills, interpersonal and cross-cultural skills, report writing skills and communication skills are some of the skills fostered and supported through weekly tasks and activities.
Units 1 and 2 Sociology is completely online. Regular access to online course content and online classes is required. Throughout the year, Sociology seminar days at VSV and excursions may also be held. These seminar days and excursions are not compulsory but very much encouraged.
Things you can do now
To prepare for this subject it would be an advantage to read local and online news content to keep up to date with contemporary social issues in the media. The Conversation, The Guardian and the ABC website are all useful news media sources that present regularly on current social issues and trends.
Go to the VCAA website for more information about this subject.
Things to have a look at
An introduction to Sociology
Crash Course: What is Sociology?