Year 11 Philosophy Units 1 and 2
Philosophy is the structured investigation of some of the deepest questions that confront us.
In Units 1 and 2 Philosophy you will consider questions such as: What is the ultimate basis for existence? What is consciousness? Do we have free will? Can we know anything for certain? Can science give us knowledge? Why should I act morally? What is the best form of government? Why is art so important for us? What makes a great work of art so great?
Who is it for?
Philosophy is for people who want to improve themselves, and not rely on AI and technology to think poorly for them.
Philosophy is ideal for those who ask ‘why?’ a lot – those who wonder about life, about right and wrong, about freedom, truth, beauty and a thousand other things. It is for those who want to confront difficult questions and develop the skills required to make rational judgments about them.
What do you do?
You will have to enjoy reading influential thinkers, outlining the logical structure of arguments, and discuss your critical reasoning with other people in blogs, online classes and in-person seminars.
The real fun in Philosophy is improving your own position on big questions and looking critically at the positions and reasons offered by others. Philosophers aim to improve their own thinking as well as the lives of those around them.
What skills do you need?
There are no formal prerequisites for either Unit, but you do need to:
- love spending time really thinking through challenging questions
- be sincere in your search for the truth
- be willing to take a chance and share your ideas with others, even if you are uncertain of how good your ideas are (there is only one way to find out)
- be ready to give reasons for your opinions and to critically investigate the reasons offered by others
- have the personal integrity to give up a treasured belief if you are given convincing evidence that it is false.
What skills do you develop?
Apart from being a lot of fun, Philosophy offers you the opportunity to achieve a number of very important things. For a start, you can sort out your own beliefs on various significant topics – and having coherent, non-contradictory beliefs is part of becoming your own person and being a complete, independent member of society. In adult life you will be required to make on-the-spot decisions on critical issues, and you will need to be sure of what you believe and why you believe it if you are to act responsibly and authentically in such situations.
Philosophy as an academic discipline requires and fosters the development of some very specific (and very useful) skills in the recognition, analysis, evaluation and creative production of arguments (reasons for belief). These critical thinking skills are essential if you are to succeed not only in Philosophy but also in all other subjects, and in life more generally for that matter.
In particular, study in Philosophy will guide you to develop an understanding of the structural principles and the writing skills required to write a really convincing piece of argumentative prose.
Some courage to put some of your own thoughts out there and be willing to improve on them. This is also something that Philosophy can help you develop further.
Things to think about
Students should be prepared for Philosophy to forever change the way that they see themselves and the world.
You have been warned…
Things you can do now
There is a basic logic component to this course. Students can hone their logic skills in preparation for the intellectual rigors to come by working through the first few tutorials in the Critical Thinking Web’s ‘Identifying Arguments’ module.
Go to the VCAA website for more information about this subject.
Things to have a look at
VCE Philosophy
Idealism Dialogue
Philosophical Questions
(While the video above gives an interesting general introduction to philosophy, students should note that neither the existence of God nor the nature of time nor the moral status of abortion are topics covered in our course.)