Year 10 Research
Do you wish you knew more about an endangered animal? Or do you want to learn about aeronautical engineering. What do you wish you knew more about? What do you want to explore?
You can research something you are passionate about in this course. You will learn to find high-quality sources of information, and bring this information together to present your findings. Your final presentation can be a report, PowerPoint, model, film, or something else.
Research can include practical or technical investigations, formal research, or exploratory inquiries. Because you will work on extended investigations or projects over a full semester, you need to be self-motivated.
This course will reward you when you gain knowledge, skills and research expertise in your specialist area.
What do you do?
In studying this subject you will:
- complete weekly online activities
- develop an online folio that demonstrates your research development and thinking
- develop a final research product.
The final research product can be:
- written results, conclusions, recommendations, or solutions to a problem or question (e.g. an essay, a report, a booklet, or an article)
- a product (e.g. an artifact, a manufactured article, or a work of art or literature) and a producer’s statement
- a display or exhibition with annotations
- a multimedia presentation and podcast
- a performance (live or recorded) with a supporting statement.
In Plan, you will creatively brainstorm various research ideas and problems, develop a research question from the identified problem, and justify the importance and significance of their research question.
In Gather, you will develop research skills to collect, organise and engage with credible sources in their field of study.
In Create, you will plan, construct and create a research project draft and present their research findings in a Final Research Product.
In Share and Reflect, you will reflect on the research process and assess what aspect of research planning worked well and what might be modified in a future research project.
What skills do you develop?
You will develop skills including the ability to:
- question sources of information
- make effective decisions
- evaluate your own progress
- be innovative
- solve problems.
To start thinking about and choosing an appropriate and achievable research question, watch the following video:
Internet is needed to access this course. Work will be completed and submitted online weekly.
Things you can do now
Contact VSV to discuss your proposed research project ideas. Please phone 8480 0000 and ask to speak to the Year 10 Research teacher. We would be delighted to hear about your proposed research and to talk more about the Research subject.
Go to the VCAA website for more information about this subject.