Year 11 English as an Additional Language Units 1 and 2
English as an Additional Language Unit 1 and 2 focusses on how English language is used to create meaning in texts. The texts that are studied are drawn from the past and present, from Australia and from other cultures and include different text types (film, novel, memoir, etc.). You will be empowered to read, write, speak and listen to English in different countries.
In Unit 1, we focus on two areas of study. Area of Study 1: Reading and Exploring Texts and Area of Study 2: Crafting Texts.
In Unit 2, we focus on another 2 areas of study. Area of Study 1: Exploring Argument. You will be assessed on your analytical and creative writing responses, and one oral assessment. 2: Reading and Exploring Texts and Area of Study
Who is it for?
This is a subject for students who want to continue building and improving on their English language skills. EAL Unit 1 and 2 is a Year 11 English course for students who are eligible to complete EAL as an alternative to the mainstream English course. Student eligibility is determined by Virtual School Victoria and will be discussed on enrolment.
There are different enrolment requirements for Unit 3 and 4 students, please ensure you meet these requirements before starting EAL Unit 1 and 2.
You can view these requirements here: Year 12 English as an Additional Language Units 3 and 4 – Subject – Virtual School Victoria (
What do you do?
Activities you will do include:
- Writing both short and long responses to texts of many kinds
- Exploring your own ideas in writing and about a range of topics
- Reading and responding critically to Australian media issues
- Listening to a variety of texts and responding to them
- Writing forum posts and discussing your ideas with other students
- Attend online lessons and tutorials
What skills do you need?
Students should be able to read texts and respond in writing at a Year 11 EAL level.
It is recommended that prior to enrolment in this subject, EAL students have demonstrated achievement at C3 or above on the Victorian Curriculum F-10 EAL course.
What skills do you develop?
You will develop your English language skills in this subject.
This includes non-verbal communication (like body language and facial expressions) as well as the use of appropriate language in writing and speaking.
It also includes being able to read different types of texts, whether that be a blog post or an English novel.
You will also learn about Australian slang and colloquial language that will be useful to your life, not just study, in Australia.
There are no prerequisites for entry into Unit 1 and 2 English as an Additional Language. Internet is needed to access this online course. All weekly work will be complete and submitted online.
Books to purchase and closely study:
Things to think about
If you are eligible for EAL, you should do EAL instead of other English courses. However, English, English Literature, Bridging EAL and English Language are also available for study at VSV.
Things you can do now
Students can prepare for EAL Unit 1 and 2 by buying, reading and viewing the set texts for Unit 1 and 2. To start, students can watch the film Mary and Max by Adam Elliot.
To support your understanding of persuasive language, a useful activity is to read and collect newspaper and magazine articles. A good place to start is to read newspapers such as The Age, The Australian and The Guardian (Australian version). Start with topics that you enjoy and progress to lead stories, opinion pages and current news.
You can also make a point of watching Australian current affairs programs on the ABC such as Four Corners, the 7.30 Report and Insiders. Listening to local ABC radio and Radio National programs and podcasts are excellent resources too.
Go to the VCAA website for more information about this subject.
Things to have a look at
VCAA Study Design
You can read the EAL VCAA Study Design on the VCAA website.