Year 11 Bridging English as an Additional Language (EAL) Units 1 and 2
This subject is designed to support the development of your use and understanding of English in the classroom and in Australian society. This subject is not designed for those for whom English is their first language.
Bridging EAL is designed for young people for whom year 11 is their first exposure to Subject Instruction in the English Language (as opposed to instruction in their first, second, or third language).
In Unit 1, we focus on using Standard Australian English for a range of everyday purposes. This means that you will be looking at how English is used both inside and outside the school environment.
Unit 2 is split into 2 sections. “English for self-expression” will be done by all students. Here you will read and write texts to help you express your ideas, desires and goals, as well as understand how and why others communicate to us through language.
You have a choice as to what you do in the second part of Unit 2. You will either do “English in the media” or “English for the workplace”. In “English in the media” you would be engaging with various media (print, visual, digital) to develop your understanding of how points of view are presented to us. “English for the workplace” focuses on getting into a job and how to communicate effectively once in the workplace.
Who is it for?
This is a subject for English as an Additional Language students who want to increase their confidence in using English, particularly for use in the English-language classroom. It is also very useful for students who are thinking about studying or working in Australia.
Students will be encouraged to use their knowledge of other languages, cultural experiences and values to support the development of their knowledge of English.
What do you do?
Because this subject exists to support your use of English in all situations in which you find yourself, the activities and submissions for this subject are really varied. You will do some group work, as well as some spoken work with just your teacher. You get to explore how to read texts across all subject areas, and will do online activities to develop your skills in this area.
In Unit 2, if you select “English in the Media”, you will practise writing in a way which will support Unit 3 and 4 studies. If you select “English for the workplace”, you will be writing resumes and job applications.
What skills do you need?
A desire to improve your use of English, particularly to support your VCE studies.
What skills do you develop?
You will develop your English language skills in this subject. This includes non-verbal language (like body language and facial expression) as well as use of appropriate language in writing and speaking. It also includes being able to read different types of texts, whether that be a physics textbook or an English novel.
You will also learn about Australian cultural expectations when communicating with others.
The skills are therefore useful for all of life, and not just study, in Australia.
No equipment or materials are required.
Things you can do now
Reading English novels and non-fiction texts would be excellent preparation for undertaking this course. You should also aim to practise your spoken English in a range of contexts.
Things to have a look at
Australian English is funny. Watch here to learn more.
Learn about how Australians shorten everything.