VSV’s broad range of clubs include:
- Art Club Y7-12 – Share, discuss and do art!
- Book Club Y7-12 – Students gather together and read a variety of books and go through the themes, plots, characters and storylines of some of the most famous books in the world.
- Duke of Edinburgh Award for students 14 and above – Participate in voluntary service, physical recreation, learn a skill, go on adventurous camps and work towards achieving the DoE Awards.
- Dungeons and Dragons Club Y7-12 – The classic, table-top, role-playing game delivered online.
- Games Club Y3-12 – Playing games together online.
- Inventors Club Y7-12 – Lego! Coding! Minecraft! Bricks! Blocks & bytes! Space Challenges!
- LGBTQIA+ Club Y7-12 – A safe, inclusive space for everyone identifying as LGBTIQ+ and their allies.
- Music Club Y7-12 – Show ‘n tell your own music! Pick and share songs you like! Listen to music recommended by other students!
- Neurodiversity Club Y5-12 – A space for students who like to discuss topics and participate in activities that are inclusive of students who are neuro-diverse. This includes the Autism Spectrum, ADHD and much more.
- Philosophy/Debating Club Y7-12 – A forum for students to improve critical thinking and debating skills. Students will put forward reasoned positions and arguments on a range of different topics. Students will reason together through philosophical conundrums.
- Writers’ Workshop Club Y7-12 – Meet other creative student writers! Hear and share writing in a supportive group.
Other activities include:
- Student Representative Council
- Excursions
- Futureworx (Pathways Week)
- Interschool sport competitions
- Making Waves
- Onsite seminars and practicals.