


Noa Quirke | Ivanhoe Primary School |
English | Term 3 2024

The forest looked dead. It was eerily quiet, the only sound being the slight rustle of the leaves which were ripped and broken. The trees begged me not to step in, the wind howled in warning, but my curiosity overwhelmed me, and I stepped in.

The cave had paintings and markings carved into its stony walls. It was ancient and spooky, but I was intrigued all the same. Cobwebs decorated the corners glistening from the speck of light peeking out between the gaps of the hard rock. If it were not so scary It would be a great tourist destination.

Suddenly, the cave started shaking. I ran to the exit, but rocks tumbled over it blocking my way out. My hands were shaking, and my breaths were heavy, heartbeat thudding. I took deep breaths. In, out, in, out. When I opened my eyes, I was calmer but still jumpy. The best thing to do was to find another way out. I searched my pockets for a torch or light source and found a torch. It flickered for a while on and off until it shone so brightly it was blinding. Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I scanned my surroundings. It looked the same, but the air felt heavier, and I had a bad feeling about something that I could not put my finger on.

A voice in my head sarcastically told me that maybe it was that I was walking down into an unknown cave with no clue where I was going, a torch that could run out of battery any time soon, whatever was in this dark, mysterious cave, with only my guts and a brain a zombie could come out and eat.

With a big sigh I took a few steps forward.

The only sound in the cave was my uncertain footsteps. I focused on getting out instead of the creatures that were lurking in the shadows. I froze. A hand touched me sending chills down my back. I told myself to run, but my feet were rooted, unable to move, breathe or blink.

A raspy voice whispered in my ear “Don’t run, I’m trying to help. I’m also trapped”

My heart told me to run but my head told me to stay. Before I could do anything, he told me he knew the way out, so I followed, figuring he was my last chance. He led me right, then left, up and down until he stopped. Slowly turning around, he looked at me with hunger.

His face changed from a nice young man to nothing. A scream ripped out from my throat, and I watched as his face changed shape from a dog to a lady. He lunged forward reaching for my face, it was just like the horror movie, The Face Stealer. Show emotion and he will rip your face off and take it for himself. Legend says after a fire incident caused by his bullies was taken too far and his face turned ugly and broken. An evil spirit promised revenge and gave him the power to take people’s faces. I quickly turned my face into a poker face trying hard not to cry or show emotion and he screamed, so loud the rocks rumbled, and the cave started to collapse. That is when I signed my death warrant. With a yell of surprise, he stretched for me, pulling my face to his. The pain was overwhelming, destroying me and as I fell, so did the cave and both of us were lying there. That is all I remembered until the world turned black, and the flames of hell destroyed me.

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