Record numbers at Virtual Connect and Connect Week

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Close to 1000 VSV students were thrilled to connect after lockdown at the recent Virtual Connect Day and Connect Week.

Principal Fiona Webster described the virtual events as “sensational” and praised the enthusiasm and warmth of VSV staff involved in organising and delivering the program.

‘Students appreciated the opportunity to come together and learn with other members of the VSV community in a fun and informal way,’ she said.

Fiona acknowledged that community and interaction is fundamental to our existence as human beings.

To highlight this point she quoted author and public health researcher, Atul Gawande, who said:
“Human beings are social creatures. We are social not just in the trivial sense that we like company, and not just in the obvious sense that we each depend on others. We are social in a more elemental way: simply to exist as a normal human being requires interaction with other people.”

Fiona said that the engaging and well-run programs ensured high participation levels.

Highlights included a virtual visit to Melbourne Zoo, VSV’s Got Talent and a journey to Antarctica for F-6 students.

Students were amazed to learn that the largest land creature in Antarctica is the wingless midge which is less than 1.3 cm long.

Middle Year students enjoyed diverse activities, including a question and answer session with Luke Henriques-Gomes, Guardian Australia’s social affairs and inequality editor. Other activities included a wellbeing workshop, cooking class, an interactive careers workshop and a highly participative workshop lead by Student Voice.

Another popular aspect of the week was the year level assemblies.

Carly McDermott, who leads Student Engagement for Foundation-Year 9, said there was a lot of excitement in these sessions.

‘Students enjoyed connecting and celebrating with peers at the assemblies and feeling like they are part of something bigger.’

F-6 students enjoyed a virtual journey to Antarctica

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